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How Sarla Tech Postponed Insurance Expenses Worth 1.75 Cr With SaaSPay

How Sarla Tech Postponed Insurance Expenses Worth 1.75 Cr With SaaSPay

How Sarla Tech Postponed Insurance Expenses Worth 1.75 Cr With SaaSPay
Few days back

About Sarla Technologies

Sarla Tech is an industry leader in providing Engineering services and solutions across areas like Industrial Automation, Design Engineering, Software Development, Plant IT, and Plant Data Reporting & Analytics.

Founded: 1999

Headquarters: Navi Mumbai, India

Company Size: 638 employees (via LinkedIn)

Huge Bills + Paying Upfront = Fractured Cash Flow

Allocating lumpsum capital at once for investments creates a dent in the organization’s cash flow. This makes managing finances with additional overheads on other strategic areas a big challenge, creating extra hindrances in the cash flow.

Sarla Technologies had to deal with a similar situation.

Upfront Payments Burden

Sarla Tech wanted to purchase GMC insurance for their team via Nova benefits. They were sure about their decision as it was the right fit for their team. The only thing that made them think twice was settling the invoice for the premium upfront.

They realized that paying upfront for an invoice of Rs 1.75 CR would fracture their cash flow and expose them to a risk of burning out their runway. This added a layer of uncertainty in their decision-making process.

Huge Chunk of Capital Trapped

They knew that choosing to pay the entire amount upfront would cost them a big chunk of their capital which could be utilized for other important strategic initiatives for revenue growth.

Sarla Tech understood the significance of the benefits that insurance provided them with. So they looked for a sweet spot that could help both parties benefit from the deal after the purchase.

Sarla Tech Wanted To Leverage The Insurance Benefits with 0 Cash Flow Disruption

Sarla Tech was looking for a solution that could help them break down the payment process as per their needs. Paying 1.75 CR upfront for the GMC insurance was not on their financial expense checklist but getting the insurance was also important.

That’s when Nova Benefits partnered with SaaSPay to help them out.

Got Annual Plan With Monthly Payments

Nova Benefits ensured Sarla Tech got what they wanted. They were able to purchase GMC insurance from Nova Benefits without paying for the entire year upfront.

By introducing SaaSPay’s Buy Now Pay Later option, they availed the flexibility to pay monthly by splitting the entire amount into 12 installments at zero cost.

Improved Cash Flow

Their biggest fear of allocating a huge portion of capital towards getting the insurance was resolved. With SaaSPay, not only could they pay in monthly cycles but enjoy quarterly cashback as well. This helped them significantly with their cash forecasting and budgeting activities.

Today Sarla Tech saves significant capital after every installment due to the monthly payment flexibility. They invest their remaining savings to chase other financial targets without breaking a sweat. This decision brought a paradigm shift in their SaaS buying behavior, which gives them enough window to plan their tech investment budgets seamlessly.

CTA: Learn how SaaSPay helps with eliminating upfront payment expenses.

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